COVID-19 Resources for Construction and Property Management Businesses

April 14, 2020

The news never stops regarding COVID-19. If your business is looking for assistance, it might seem impossible knowing where to begin. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered. The myCOI team has been scouring websites, news outlets, and legislative updates to compile a one-stop-shop of valuable digital resources. This list provides federal, state, and industry-specific business information to help you navigate COVID-19 and the road to recovery. 

Federal Resources & Information: 

Government Response to COVID-19: Provides links to various federal and state resources for health information, business assistance programs, travel and transportation, landlord housing guidance, and cybersecurity and fraud mitigation. 

U.S. Department of Labor – Paid Leave Under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Explains the Emergency Paid Sick Leave (EPSLA) and Emergency Family and Medical Leave Expansion (EFMLEA) Acts that are part of the larger Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA). Effective from April 1, 2020, through the end of the year, the acts reimburse certain American private organizations having fewer than 500 employees with tax credits for the cost of providing paid leave to workers related to COVID-19. 

Under EPSLA, provisions include 80 hours of paid sick leave to: 

  • Employees affected by a government quarantine order or self-quarantine. Leave also applies if quarantines impact someone the employee cares for such as a spouse or child. 
  • Employees experiencing COVID-19 symptoms and seeking medical attention. 
  • Employees caring for a son or daughter whose school, place of care, or childcare provider is unavailable due to COVID-19. 

With EFMLEA, certain employers must provide up to 10 weeks of paid and two weeks of unpaid leave to eligible employees caring for a son or daughter whose school, place of care, or childcare provider is unavailable because of issues related to COVID-19. 

U.S. Department of the Treasury – The CARES Act Works for All Americans: Explains the four major assistance areas funded through the $2 trillion Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act passed by Congress on March 27, 2020: American workers and families, small businesses, job preservation, and state and local governments.

National Association of Counties – State Policies in Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Provides an interactive map with links to state and county emergency declarations and policies in response to COVID-19. Access where FEMA declarations, shelter-in-place, safer-at-home, and business closure orders exist across all 50 states and the District of Columbia. 

Centers for Disease Control – What You Need to Know About COVID-19: One-page resource answering frequently asked health questions about COVID-19 including symptoms and ways to prevent the disease’s spread. 

United States Department of Labor – Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) COVID-19 Standards: Highlights OSHA standards, directives, and related information at the federal and state level applying to COVID-19 worker exposure. The site outlines standards most applicable to COVID-19 including: 

  • Personal protective equipment
  • The General Duty Clause requiring that employers furnish employment free from recognized hazards likely to cause death or serious physical harm
  • Bloodborne pathogen and bodily fluid exposure 
  • Recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses
  • Sanitation
  • Handling toxic hazardous substances

Small Business Resources & Information:

U.S. Small Business Administration – COVID-19: Small Business Guidance & Loan Resources: Provides links to resources for small business funding, employee support, local assistance programs, and government contracting. 

National Federation of Independent Business – Small Business Resources in Response to Coronavirus: Offers up-to-date education, finance, and legal resources for small businesses affected by COVID-19. The site also includes several webinars covering legislative updates, how-to guides for applying to the Paycheck Protection Program, and other available federal loan programs.

Employee Resources & Information: 

AFL-CIO – COVID-19 Pandemic Resources: Provides resources and guidance from leading experts, government agencies, and America’s unions for minimizing the effects of COVID-19 on employees, their families, and the businesses for which they work. The site provides links to hardship assistance programs for employees, safety flyers, OSHA recommendations, and CDC guidance for workplace and travel protection.   

Industry Resources & Information: 


Associated General Contractors of America – COVID-19: Navigate to topic-specific information and access updates regarding COVID-19’s impact on the construction industry. Resources cover the topics of health and safety, paid leave, risk management, taxes, contracts, and legislative advocacy. The site also provides information on which states consider construction an “essential business” among stay-at-home orders. 

COVID-19: Construction Dive’s Daily News and Resource Tracker: Tracks daily news from around the U.S. to help contractors understand the outbreak’s potential impact on their businesses. 

Commercial Real Estate

International Council of Shopping Centers – COVID-19 Updates for the U.S. Retail and Real Estate Industry: Summarizes state-by-state business closure mandates. Included are insights into the specifics of each directive and how they differ across the U.S. Also helpful are the dates of each mandate and what businesses are excluded from closure. 

National Real Estate Investor – Coronavirus: Commercial Real Estate Industry Resource Center: Centralizes the responses, guides, and resources issued across a variety of commercial real estate associations related to COVID-19. Information includes items like: 

  • Conference reschedules
  • Responses to legislative action
  • How-to guides for the business of managing senior communities or responding to rent relief requests
  • Investment guidance


National Association of Manufacturers – COVID-19 Resources: Outlines the association’s legislative action on COVID-19 and provides guidance on how manufacturers can respond to the virus’s business impacts. Additional resources cover the areas of customs, transportation, and the safe import/export of manufactured goods.


Public Risk Management Association – Pandemic & Coronavirus Resources: Provides guidance and information for preventing the spread of COVID-19 including appropriate occupational health measures and recommended national and international protocols. Resources include articles, podcasts, and webinars on a variety of coronavirus-related topics to keep workplaces safe.

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