A Guide to myCOI’s Go-To Insurance Resources

September 13, 2021

When it comes to risk management, the myCOI team likes to consider ourselves pros. However, sometimes even the experts need…well…experts. The insurance industry constantly changes and good information is a must for keeping up. We surveyed our staff on their go-to resources for risk mitigation and insurance updates. Knowledge is worth nothing if not shared, so here are our best recommendations for you to explore. 



This resource is perfect for insurance agents needing to know the industry inside and out. The site offers data, commentary, and news on insurance-related hot topics. Risk managers and compliance administrators also can find plenty of helpful information. In fact, the website dedicates an entire section to risk management. Visit the “Instant Insights” page as a great way for staying current with insurance industry changes. 

AM Best Multimedia Resources


AM Best is known as the premier insurance rating agency. The organization also provides great content for those connected to the industry. 

AM Best TV: Offers exclusive reports, interviews, and important developments in the global insurance industry through a free streaming video service. 

AM Best Webinars: Connects participants with industry leaders providing training and insight on key issues impacting insurance. This is a great place to go for professional development. 

AM Best Audio: Provides two insurance podcasts. BestDay Podcast recaps major insurance updates and rating announcements. Best’s Insurance Law Podcast examines insurance and claims issues from an attorney’s point of view.

IRMI (formerly International Risk Management Institute)


If insurance had a Holy Grail, this would be it. IRMI provides some of the best content in the business. From explaining complex insurance terms to debating how those terms apply to real claims, this site has it all. Access webinars, subscribe to their newsletter, and pursue continuing education. You can even follow a specific insurance topic for a deep dive. 

RIMS (The Risk Management Society)


RIMS provides education and advocacy for the global risk community. Access industry data, education/certification opportunities, and a risk information clearinghouse searchable by topic. The organization’s Risk Management Magazine also provides an excellent resource for buzzworthy industry news. 

Insurance Journal


Insurance Journal is the most read national property and casualty publication for independent insurance agents and brokers. Yet there is something for everyone who helps manage risk. The site delivers national and international news, while also covering things happening in your backyard. In addition to current events, this resource provides tools for insurance agents and brokers. Additional offerings include market directories and industry leader interviews. 

myCOI Blog


Sure, we are a little biased, but we invest in our blog as a resource for clients and the industry. We cover timely topics from understanding complex insurance clauses to avoiding coverage gaps or discussing what’s happening in the courts. Our site is a great first stop for asking tough questions when you need easy-to-understand answers.

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