Back to Work: Reopening Resources for Construction and Property Management Businesses

May 7, 2020

Companies across the country are ready to get back to work. Most states are slowly lifting COVID-19 restrictions using individual timeframes and guidelines based on the status of their public’s health. Things are changing daily, so the myCOI team collected federal, state, and industry-specific resources so businesses can successfully comply with each state’s reopening roadmap. 

Federal Resources & Information:

The White House – Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

The White House outlined a three-phase process for states to fully reopen. The plan provides criteria states should meet including ample personal protective equipment and hospital capacity. The guidelines also ask states to show a downward trend of new COVID-19 cases within each reopening phase before proceeding to the next. The three phases include: 

Phase 1 – 
  • Continue shelter in place and telework for all individuals
  • Return staff to the workplace in phases and close common areas
  • Practice social distancing and avoid groups of 10 or more
  • Minimize non-essential travel
  • Keep youth-related activities closed
  • Prohibit visits to senior living facilities and hospitals
  • Resume elective surgeries on an outpatient basis
  • Open large venues (restaurants, movie theaters, places of worship, sporting venues) only with strict physical distancing protocols. Reopen gyms using strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols. Keep bars closed.
Phase 2 – 
  • Continue shelter in place for vulnerable individuals
  • Allow telework if feasible and keep workplace common areas closed
  • Practice social distancing and avoid groups of 50 or more
  • Resume non-essential travel
  • Reopen youth-related activities 
  • Prohibit visits to senior living facilities and hospitals
  • Resume in-patient and outpatient elective surgeries 
  • Operate large venues with moderate physical distancing protocols. Reopen gyms with strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols. Operate bars with limited standing-room occupancy. 
Phase 3 – 
  • Resume interactions with vulnerable individuals using social distancing. Minimize time spent in crowded environments for low-risk individuals. 
  • Resume unrestricted staffing of worksites
  • Resume visits to senior living facilities and hospitals using hygiene protocols
  • Operate large venues with limited social distancing protocols. Gyms must follow standard sanitation protocols. Operate bars with increased standing-room capacity as needed. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – Reopening Guidance for Cleaning and Disinfecting Public Spaces, Workplaces, Businesses, Schools, and Homes

This information is particularly important for property owners and managers who offer facility cleaning services for tenants. The CDC provides guidance for developing a sanitation plan and using EPA-approved COVID-19 disinfectants. The site also includes direction on identifying what needs cleaned for reopening and what should be disinfected continuously to remain open. 

State Resources & Information:

National Governors Association – Coronavirus: What You Need to Know

The National Governors Association assembled the actions taken across every state to address the coronavirus, including individual state criteria for reopening. The site also lists resources for creating coronavirus policies, accessing funding, and addressing workforce and labor issues. 

USA Today – What States Are Reopening and When? 

With changing restrictions in flux across the United States, USA Today assembled a list of how things stand in all 50 states, Puerto Rico, and Washington, D.C. The news organization is updating the file as state social distancing and work restrictions evolve. 

Association of State and Territorial Health Officials – COVID-19 Response Hub

This site offers visual representation of state action for social distancing and COVID-19 response using interactive maps. The data covers restaurant and bar restrictions, business designations, travel and quarantine orders, stay-at-home orders, state of emergency declarations, and medical procedure guidance.

National Association of Counties – County Declarations and Policies in Response to COVID-19 Pandemic

In pockets across the country, counties and cities are responding to COVID-19 with restrictions in excess of those statewide. NACo provides an interactive map with every US county. The data displays COVID-19 policies and general information regarding the county that could impact the severity of the disease for the local population. 

Industry Resources & Information:

NABTU and CPWR COVID-19 Standards for U.S. Construction Sites

North America’s Building Trades Unions and the Center for Construction Research and Training drafted standards for providing a safe and healthy work environment to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The standards request construction industry employers develop a comprehensive COVID-19 exposure control plan which includes recommendations like: 

  • Designating a COVID-19 officer at every job site
  • Training staff on social distancing and hygiene
  • Conducting worker health screenings
  • Implementing social distancing procedures and/or offering protective respiratory equipment
  • Disinfecting high-touch surfaces at job sites and offering sanitation stations

International Council of Shopping Centers – COVID-19 Re-opening Best Practices

This four-page document outlines how retail and restaurant businesses should plan for reopening and suggestions for healthy practices. Questions to consider and recommendations address factors such as sanitation procedures, communicating restrictions with patrons, testing building technical systems, handling shipping and delivery, and implementing contactless systems for payment. 

Gym Equipment – Enhanced Disinfection Guide

The White House guidelines include strict sanitation protocols for gyms. The U.S. Army Public Health Center assembled disinfection guidance for all gyms including personal hygiene requirements, necessary sanitation supplies, and cleaning frequency. For additional resources and information regarding action to prevent the spread of COVID-19 and business recovery support, check out our previous article “COVID-19 Resources for Construction and Property Management Businesses.”

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