Category: Insurance 101

Can You Spot a Fraudulent COI? It’s Harder Than You Think.

January 31, 2024

The world of insurance can be very confusing to anyone – especially if the individual handling Certificates of Insurance (COIs) has no insurance background or hasn’t worked with insurance documents or endorsements in the past. And unfortunately, fraudulent COIs – while not extremely common – are certainly used by subcontractors caught in difficult situations and […]

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What Is a COI in Purchasing?

September 1, 2023

Purchasing, in business, refers to the organized acquisition of goods and services on behalf of a buying entity. Purchasing departments are hugely important in many industries, ensuring that items like raw materials, components, event decorations, etc. arrive in a timely manner and at a reasonable cost. While it may not be the responsibility of the […]

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What is a legal COI?

September 1, 2023

Businesses around the world utilize COIs to bolster their business partnerships and gain peace of mind when entering new dealings. Among the many things on business owners’ minds, they must make sure that the people they work with have appropriate insurance coverage as it pertains to their work. Most do so through COIs or Certificate […]

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What Is a Certificate of Liability Insurance?

August 28, 2023

One very common type of insurance is liability insurance, which protects policyholders from the risks of liabilities imposed by claims relating to property damage and bodily injuries. (Note that we’re referring here to general liability insurance rather than professional liability insurance, which provides coverage for more consultative services.) Relatedly, it is a routine practice for […]

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COI Real Estate

August 21, 2023

In the real estate industry, there are various cases where you may need to verify someone’s insurance coverage before hiring them. When a situation like this arises, you’ll use a COI, meaning a certificate of insurance services, to prove that they have the insurance policy and level of coverage that they say they do.  Therefore, […]

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Is a Certificate of Insurance the Same as an Insurance Policy?

August 11, 2023

Insurance policies and certificates of insurance services (or COIs, for short) are two very important legal documents in our space—but a lot of confusion exists around which one is which. Insurance policies can exist without certificates of insurance, but certificates of insurance could not exist without corresponding insurance policies, and in this blog, we’ll explain […]

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What Is Professional Liability on COI?

August 4, 2023

Liability insurance is a type of coverage that aims to protect your company and any third parties you hire against claims and lawsuits stemming from accidents.  While general liability insurance refers to coverage for physical liability risks such as bodily injury or property damage, professional liability insurance covers more abstract risks.  In this blog, we’ll […]

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Is COI the same as liability insurance?

August 1, 2023

Anything that causes injury or property damage could lead to a liability lawsuit. Ensuring that the third parties you hire have the necessary liability insurance is crucial for both your financial and regulatory protection, as well as theirs.  Follow along as we cover the basics of liability insurance, the major differences between a certificate of […]

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