myCOI Wins TechPoint Exceptional Employer Mira Award

April 28, 2023

INDIANAPOLIS, April 28, 2022 – myCOI, the industry leader in certificate of insurance (COI) management software, is the winner of the TechPoint Mira Award for Exceptional Employer. TechPoint, the nonprofit, industry-led growth accelerator for Indiana’s tech ecosystem, selected myCOI as one of 16 award winners among 125 total nominees.

According to TechPoint, the Exceptional Employer Award seeks to recognize “tech companies doing an exceptional job of developing talent, cultivating workspaces and workplace culture, and positively impacting the community.”

“We are a people-first organization, and that’s more than a core value; it’s our north star,” says CEO Kristen Nunery. “Our internal theme last year was ‘Listen and Deliver.’ We wanted to find new ways to put our people first, determine what’s important to them, celebrate them, and empower them. This internal focus helped us win the Exceptional Employer award, and I’m so proud of that. But above all, I’m grateful for the work our people put in, including the willingness to come together, be vulnerable, support each other, and have frank conversations that lead to change and, ultimately, growth for our people and our company.”

Mira Award judges said they were impressed with myCOI’s positive and productive employee community in both remote and hybrid work environments, the company’s ability to experience very low employee turnover rates, and quickly fill job openings through promotions and employee referrals. 

myCOI won the award after implementing multiple changes as part of its people-first promise. This included increasing paid time off to a minimum of three weeks, introducing an optional 4-day workweek, starting weekly meetings to celebrate accomplishments and milestones, creating fireside chats to promote transparent communication, empowering a group of employee volunteers to form a group focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion, and establishing an Innovation Station where employees could provide ideas for changes to the company, its processes or its software.

Additionally, myCOI developed and launched a Leadership in Training program with the help of ADVISA, an Indiana company specializing in leadership development. The strategic skills-based training provides learning initiatives tailored to meet teammates’ needs at all levels of the company.

In order to get a clear picture of employee satisfaction, myCOI also began utilizing Fishers-based Emplify’s employee-engagement software. Through weekly engagement surveys and comprehensive quarterly engagement surveys, Emplify confirmed the company’s employee satisfaction had steadily improved over time. myCOI also achieved the ‘Highly Engaged’ team distinction for four consecutive quarters.

myCOI will continue to have open and frank conversations among employees and continue anonymous surveys to ensure employee needs and desires are being met.

Watch the Announcement & Acceptance Speech

Watch the Post-Award Interview

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